
As we are Oslo-based it is not surprising that the majority of our members are of Norwegian origin, but one thing we all have in common is our special interest in Scotland and her Culture.
Am I eligible to apply for membership?
Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, and have attended at least two regular meetings.
A Membership Application form can then be obtained from the Society's Honorary Secretary.
All candidates need to be Proposed and Seconded by existing Caledonian Members, and the appropriately signed Membership Application form should then be returned to the Society's Honorary Secretary.
It will then be subject to final approval by the Committee. All candidates will be informed in writing of the outcome of their application.
New members are welcomed at the first normal meeting after an approved application.
How much will it cost me to become a member
To enable The Society to honor its aim of providing an interesting and worthwhile program of events to its members, it is necessary to require some form of payment from the members.
Having said this, The Society is a non-profit making organisation, proceeds go to subsidise the program of social events.
Updated costs are to be found underneath.
Joining Fee
A one-time Joining Fee will be sought soon after the Committee has approved the application for your membership.
The current rate is NOK 800 which includes the first years membership and joining fee.
Annual Subscriptions
Annual Membership Subscriptions are usually demanded on 1st March each year and are valid for the current Caledonian financial year which runs from 1st January to the last day of December.
New members approved after 30th June will not be charged for the remainder of the current year's membership. The following rates currently apply:
Member = NOK 500,-
Honorary Member* = Free
Regular Meeting Attendance Dues
It is the policy of The Society to subsidise those members who actively partake in the social program.
In this way, the cost of an excellent night out with a catered meal, coffee, excellent company, and interesting presentations is almost too good to be true.
Prices may vary from meeting to meeting.
Our well-stocked Cally-bar is open for purchases throughout the evening, at a pleasant price point.